The people who told you marrying two wives is not good now allow men to marry men and women to marry women. Today, they have said that gay people can train for priesthood provided they become celibate. In the seminary, these gay people will be with boys. And as they grow and become Senior Seminarians, they will take charge of little boys who might not be strong-willed to say no. Therefore, I don’t think seminary will be a safe place for kids in the near future.
I know too well that in the seminary, the boys training to be priests are not living with girls. But gays training to be priests will live with boys. Isn’t that incredible? Nothing is stopping two gays from making out, but it will take a long convincing to get a girl to make out with a boy.
If the church in Africa wants to save itself, it needs to separate from Rome. Time to headquarter the Catholic Church in Africa in Africa. You have no business remaining with the Vatican. That’s if you want to survive the future am seeing. If you don’t take this bold step, many will leave the Catholic Church. Some will not only leave the catholic church, but they will bid Christianity goodbye.
If a gay can train for the priesthood, then why not marry gay people in the Church? Sure that’s the next step.
Funny people.
Onye ọcha biko nye m brain box m. A white man will never determine how I view God.
Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher and Activist, 2025.